
2N6554 Cross Reference

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Part Number Manufacturer Description RFQ
2N6520TAFairchild SemiconductorTRANS PNP 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6520TAFairchild SemiconductorTRANS PNP 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6517CTAFairchild SemiconductorTRANS NPN 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6517CTAFairchild SemiconductorTRANS NPN 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6520RLRAGON SemiconductorTRANS PNP 350V 0.5A TO92
2N6520RLRAGON SemiconductorTRANS PNP 350V 0.5A TO92
2N6517CBUFairchild SemiconductorTRANS NPN 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6519BUFairchild SemiconductorTRANS PNP 300V 0.5A TO-92
2N6519TAFairchild SemiconductorTRANS PNP 300V 0.5A TO-92
2N6520BUFairchild SemiconductorTRANS PNP 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6518BUFairchild SemiconductorTRANS PNP 250V 0.5A TO-92
2N6518TAFairchild SemiconductorTRANS PNP 250V 0.5A TO-92
2N6520RLRAON SemiconductorTRANS PNP 350V 0.5A TO92
2N6520RLRAON SemiconductorTRANS PNP 350V 0.5A TO92
2N6515RLRMON SemiconductorTRANS NPN 250V 0.5A TO-92
2N6515RLRMGON SemiconductorTRANS NPN 250V 0.5A TO-92
2N6517RLRAON SemiconductorTRANS NPN 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6517RLRAGON SemiconductorTRANS NPN 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6517RLRPON SemiconductorTRANS NPN 350V 0.5A TO-92
2N6517RLRPGON SemiconductorTRANS NPN 350V 0.5A TO-92
Replacement Part Number Repl. Mfr Description Reference Type
BD238 Cross Reference Fairchild Medium Power Linear and Switching Pin-to-Pin Replacement

There are 1 cross reference alternative products totally about 2N6554 : 1 Pin-to-Pin Replacement , Replacement Manufacturers include : Fairchild Cross Reference
