
BYD37G Cross Reference

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Part Number Manufacturer Description RFQ
BYD33DGPHE3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 200V 1A DO204AL
BYD33GGPHE3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 400V 1A DO204AL
BYD33JGPHE3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 600V 1A DO204AL
BYD33KGPHE3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 800V 1A DO204AL
BYD33MGPHE3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 1KV 1A DO204AL
BYD33DGPHE3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 200V 1A DO204AL
BYD33GGPHE3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 400V 1A DO204AL
BYD33JGPHE3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 600V 1A DO204AL
BYD33KGPHE3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 800V 1A DO204AL
BYD33MGPHE3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 1KV 1A DO204AL
BYD33DGP-E3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 200V 1A DO204AL
BYD33GGP-E3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 400V 1A DO204AL
BYD33JGP-E3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 600V 1A DO204AL
BYD33KGP-E3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 800V 1A DO204AL
BYD33MGP-E3/73Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 1KV 1A DO204AL
BYD33DGP-E3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 200V 1A DO204AL
BYD33GGP-E3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 400V 1A DO204AL
BYD33JGP-E3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 600V 1A DO204AL
BYD33KGP-E3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 800V 1A DO204AL
BYD33MGP-E3/54Vishay Semiconductor/Diodes DivisionDIODE GEN PURP 1KV 1A DO204AL
Replacement Part Number Repl. Mfr Description Reference Type
CMR1F-06M Cross Reference Central 50 AMP SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER 200 thru 1000 VOLTS Pin-to-Pin Replacement
RS07G Cross Reference Vishay Small Surface Mount Fast Diodes Functional Equivalent

There are 2 cross reference alternative products totally about BYD37G : 1 Pin-to-Pin Replacement and 1 Functional Equivalent , Replacement Manufacturers include : Central Cross Reference Vishay Cross Reference
