Hotenda Technology specially developed Linear cross reference search engine.
12MHz, 400V / µs op Amp
25MHz, 600V / µs op Amp
50MHz, 800V / µs Op Amp
140MHz Video Current Feedback Amplifier
3A Low Dropout Regulator for Microprocessor Applications
3A Low Dropout Regulators with Micropower Quiescent Current and Shutdown
7A, 4.6A, 3A Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Regulators Adjustable and Fixed
Fixed 3a, 5a, 7.5a Low Dropout Positive Fixed Regulators
7A, 4.6A, 3A Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Regulators Adjustable and Fixed
Micropower Regulator with Comparator and Shutdown
Micropower Regulator with Comparator and Shutdown